Exceptional Nurse, Inc. a Non-profit Florida Corporation
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ExceptionalNurse.com is a grassroots effort to meet the needs of nursing students and nurses with disabilities. In order to keep this effort viable, your financial support is needed. Through your help, ExceptionalNurse.com can continue to offer encouragement and support to nursing students with disabilities and to practicing nurses. ExceptionalNurse.com has established a scholarship fund for nursing students with disabilities.
ExceptionalNurse.com is a federally recognized 501 (c) 3 organization. A check can be sent to the following address:
13019 Coastal Circle
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Without the financial support of our donors, ExceptionalNurse.com would not be able to continue to provide support to nursing students and nurses with disabilities.
We would like to thank the following donors for their generous support:
Cody Solomon
Seattle, Washington
Robin Mazucca, RN and Dale Mazzuca
LaGrange Highlands, Illinois
Vanguard Charitable
Warwick, RI
Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley
Searcy Law
West Palm Beach, FL
Margaret Maloney, JD
Maloney Law and Associates, PLLC
Charlotte, NC
Siana Collyer Wood, RN
Providence, RI
Lorie A Brown, RN, MN, JD
Brown Law Office, P.C.
Indianapolis, IN
Lynne Shaw, RN, BSN, MBA
Quabbin Healthcare Consulting
Petersham, MA
Carmen Kosicek, RN, MSN
Nursing Career Coach
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Jill Winland-Brown, ARNP, Ed.D.
Vero Beach, Florida
Cara T. Hoepner, RN, MS
San Francisco, CA
Dawn Wilcox, RN
Palo Alto, CA
Pamela G. Delis, RN
Gloucester, MA
Jupiter, Florida
Disability Funders Network
Falls Church,Virginia
Christine Enberg
Portland, Oregon
Thomas Gili, Architect
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Cleo D. Graham, RNP
East Providence, RI
The Hurlburt Foundation
Nancy Fagan, RN
Longmeadow, MA
The Fiur Organization
Hialeah, Florida
Willie Mae Jackson-Ferguson, RN
Minneapolis, MN
Lisa Lobdell, RN
Costa Mesa, CA
The Lost Tree Village Charitable Foundation
North Palm Beach, FL
Johnson & Johnson
The Campaign for Nursing's Future
Caroline Maheady
West Hartford, Connecticut
John Martens, MD
Boca Raton, Florida
Petro Ploumis
Coral Springs, Florida
Margaret Rolando, Esq.
Miami, FL
Joan Fox Rose, RN
Saratoga Springs, NY
United Way
Palm Beach County, FL
Cynthia A. Weschke, RN
Arnold, MO
Bat-Ami Weinreb, RN
Passaic, New Jersey
Tino Plank, RN
Santa Rosa, California
The Mary E. Parker Foundation
Bradenton, Florida