Exceptional Nurse, Inc. a Non-profit Florida Corporation
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Equipment & Tech

Special equipment and technology play an important role in assisting nursing students and nurses with disabilities in the classroom and clinical settings.The following resources supply special stethoscopes, talking thermometers, talking blood pressure monitors, talking scales, and computers.
Phonak Marvel hearing aids and amplified stethoscopes
Using Thinklabs One Stethoscope with BTE Hearing Aids
Nurse Clarissa Hardman uses hearing aid and special stethoscope
I'm a Nurse With A Cochlear Implant: How I Succeed As A Deaf Nurse
Vision Loss
Colorino Color Identifier and Light Detector - A Demonstration
IBM Independent Series Information Center
Phone: (800)426-4832
TT: (800)426-4833
The center responds to requests for information on how IBM products can assist people with a wide range of disabilities use personal computers.
Apple Computers
Provides a wide range of hardware and software to assist people with special needs.
A wide range of accessibility technology is offered for people with disabilities.
One-handed and two-handed touch-typing
The Matias 508 Keyboard™ is a standard desktop keyboard that has been enhanced to allow both one-handed and two-handed touch-typing.
See-through Surgical Mask
Deaf Woman Creates Surgical Transparent Surgical Mask To Facilitate Lipreading
The Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses reports that the Clear Face Mask is now being made available for use as described in U.S. Patent 5,561,863. The feature of a clear insert would allow for lip reading between medical professionals as well as between patients.